Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Memories from the Bogong Cup.

The weather was great all week. Warm sunshine and great flying. Right now I am hanging out in Santa Barbara getting ready for "That Contest" this weekend. It includes speedgliding, XC distance, XC for time, duration, and a spot landing contest. A spot landing in the small Parma Park landing zone is sure to create some serious carnage. I will definitely include my drouge chute in the quiver of tools for that one. The weather is not looking very good so I am focusing my attention on the speed gliding. The course runs down the face of the mountains over Santa Barbara. The course looks fast and exciting and I hope to get some trial runs on Thursday.

Posted by Hello


Marcelo said...

Hi Kevin,
Congratulations on the excellent results you achieved in the Land of OZ and for the first place on the American Ranking. As usual we (weekend warriors) were following the comps with excitement. Anyway, I don't know if you remember me, but we probably flew together in Florida and last year at the National Fly-in in Finglelakes New York. I have a problem with my Compeo and was talking to you and a couple of other pilots and I recall (correct me if I'm wrong) you telling me that there was some type of defective chip they used in some units that was making the instrument loose satellite signal every now and them. Do you remember that? Well, if its not much trouble to your I would like you to write me back and tell me exactly what was the problem that you heard (more specifically). The point is, I’m trying to have the manufacturer fix the problem with my instrument and they are telling me they never heard of anything like that (faulty chip) and that perhaps the reason why my instrument looses sat reception is because of the way is mounted on the wing and depending on the back angle that I am the antenna is kind of turned down a bit. Well, after thinking and analyzing my track logs, I'm not buying this version and I do believe that there is some sort of problem with my unit. They even recommended (for a fee of course) upgrading my unit for the one with 16 channels, but in my conception if the problem is the angle in which the instrument is mounted, having either 12 or 16 receiving channels wouldn't do much.
Anyway, I don't want to take too much of your time, I just want to ask you if you could be more specific on what you told me in Fingerlakes so I can reply to the Compeo people...
For that I thank you very much and hope to talk and fly with you in the upcoming spring in Florida.

Marcelo Zanetti

Marcelo said...

Sorry Kevin, forgot to leave you with my contact information, if you can help me please send a message direct to my personal e-mail:

Thank You,