Friday, May 06, 2005

Finger Lakes

So up in NY now for a Flytec Training Clinic here at the Finger Lakes Flight Park. I flew here last year for the east National Fly In. It was a great time, great party, and fun flying. The soaring was solid but not drop dead and that made for great training time. My walk of shame was a few mile lap to get back to the flight park after landing maybe a half mile away. On another flight I got away and ended the XC with my radar aiming me straight to a block party. One older fella pulled out the tractor to cut me a path out of the weedy field I landed in. None of the party folks could believe I flew over them for so long without a motor. Good times.

The weather is really nice today and the forecast is for a several day improving trend! Yeah for me. I couldn't figure out what to pack for the cold so I brought everything. I am glad I wont be needing it for now.

I have been on the ground too long....I need to fly.



Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin, selcome to the nOrtheast again. Glad to discernt that your knee is recovered from Quest. Some good flights have been had here inVt w/ 8000' altitudes and I think 62 miles the top, so if you head down this way, we can show you the sites. Cheers, Peter Kelley AKA "The field of sorrow sprinter".

Kevin Carter said...

Ladies and gentlemen....the fastest legs in Hang Gliding...PK!!! No, I am serious, this guy can "R" "U" "N" and that spells RUN!

I'd love to fly Vermont...if not this trip, the next one for sure. I want to see the mountains of so many of my youthful skier's dreams.
