Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Emberger Alm Task 2

Very few flex wing pilots made goal on the first day (Saturday) and Sunday was canned for rain. To placate the masses there are 2 separate tasks today. The forecast is for strong West South West winds so we are staying mostly in the valley. The flex task is west up the ridge 13k, reverse direction to the east, past launch, and to the last peak 25k slightly downwind. One more U-turn to head back west to a church close to the first turnpoint. One last U-turn back to the goal/campground.

Launch had a few real heavy potatoes. We all like to joke about a few countrymen who watch beautiful cycles blow in while they just crouch and wait. Its not a problem though because the launch here is very wide. I just set up off to the side every day and launch between the paragliders. Wolfgang the meet director is getting so used to my quick launches that he hustles the spectators out of the way (of the alternate launch) when he sees me walking up. I like my anti-potato reputation.

Both classes had the same start circle (I think) but a few flexies joined me out in the valley under a fattie, right at the 9k start circle radius. Unfortunately the ten minute wait pushed it back out of its’ prime location. All of the rigids parked back on the ridge downwind of the circle. The sky looked really good so I charged to the first turnpoint hard. Too hard. I passed up one decent climb and got stuck with a rat shit climb a few k’s further. Behind me Shogo who stopped for the first thermal, got high and glided over my head. I finally got impatient and headed for the turnpoint. It was located about 1/3 of the way up the ridge and the 5030 said I would nail it with 500m to spare. That seemed like plenty to find one of those nasty little terrain snakes on the ridge. The turnpoint was also flanked by a bit of a saddle so the prospects looked good for staying alive. As a pair though, those 2 slower climbs put me well behind the leaders. However, the clouds over the ridge clearly showed it was GOING OFF! Heading back I charged with the aggressiveness I had just abused. It immediately paid off as I impatiently zipped through groups. For the way back I opted to blow off the valley clouds and take fast lines alone the ridge. The lift was good and easy to find allowing for lots of dolphin flying. I am guessing a few thermals gave me almost 1000’ just flying straight. By the second turnpoint I could tell I had made up time on most of the leaders but I still was about 13 or 14 k behind the first pilot. I flew most of this second leg with Christian, a new german comp pilot. I caught him after the first turnpoint and jumped right into the caravaan. He opted to stay high, and I charged ahead marking the fatties. A few K from the 2nd TP he got a bit squirrelly on glide but I could only react with amusement rather then anger. I know he is new with his glider and I felt fortunate having a wing that glides so much easier. His line carried him wide of the turnpoint so I just clipped it head on and didn’t look back.

On this third leg I could clearly see 2nd and 3rd in the distance and I could see where they were hanging back too much. I just charged hard and made up ground as quickly as I could. Shortly before leaving the ridge to dive out to the last TP a nice fat cloud gave me about a 1000’ flying straight again. Now high I could see the 2 pilots heading around the corner about 4k ahead. My 5030 was giving me great numbers, I knew the line back was good, so I raced very hard. Shigeto was taking a wide line back….staying closer to the ridge and flying slower then he could have. I know his glider is really good since it is Oleg’s last wing. With such a good wing I was amazed at how I was able to reel him in flying straighter and faster. The last leg was only 12k and change but it was clear I could slip in. For me, this was a very exciting chase. I burned it in all the way to goal passing Shigeto and getting within a minute of second. I couldn’t help but feel very proud of my wing handling a fast final so dam well. It was smoking!

A second and a third has me second in the overall about a 120 points out of first I think. Hopefully I can more then make that up in the next few days.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go!