Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Free (test) flying in Kossen

Joined the late day paragliders for some ridge soaring and light thermalling in the town of Kossen on "Action Mountain." Funny how some names sound goofy in a different culture. One other HG pilot joined me at launch watching the dozens of PG's floating around. I was the misfit in the air insisting on circles rather then big passes on the center of the thermals. A little of that here and there and I was eventually high enough above the rest that it didn't matter. I could use my performance to comfortably drift over the back to grab some lee side luvin. I took a late flight here to test a new side wire length and evaluate how much (if any) high siding they added. Conclusion: not much if any....I'll take em! I'm not one for PDA (public displays of affection) but I love my new glider!

Kossen is one of the biggest PG parties I have ever seen. Guys were all over the ridge and packed in the LZ/Landing Field Bar. A real open air bar complete with historic Anotov Airplane in the front yard. Check this sucker out! I have never seen one before but yet in one day I saw two!


1 comment:

Ice Queen Elsa said...

Kevin, sounds like you are having a great time. While in Kossen, make sure you hook up with Toni Ramuf and his wife Jennie. Toni flies an ATOS and lives 3 miles from the mountain. Just ask around town, everyone knows him.

Ron Gleason