Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Roller Coaster

Yesterday was great for me, and today was a total bust.  The air over launch was really rough and I left to cross to the next finger lower then usual.  Not a slick move at all.  The air was really rough because the wind velocity had increased far more then predicted.  It should have been obvious not to cross unless I was really high but I had other gliders to go with.  I was the lowest and got rotored really hard before getting there.  Its very ironic because I gave Chris a tough time for pulling that same more during a day of fun flying. 


So there I was, low on the ridge, strong winds, downwind of another finger, and fighting totally shredded lift.  I stuck it out for awhile but when a hard sink slammer put me below the lowest part of the ridge I had to give up.  I thought about heading downwind to try and make the official bombout so I could refly legally.  That move seemed crazy so I swallowed my pride and accepted my mistakes.  It was the shortest flight I have ever flown in a comp.


Tomorrow is another day.



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