Thursday, June 09, 2005

Today I went out to the training hill with Jamie and Nina. We all got in some foot launch practice. It was Nina's first time footlaunching so the progress was VERY exciting to be a part of. It has been so long since Jamie foot launched that it was practically her first time as well. The weather changed constantly but we had more then enough opportunities to hike all our spunkyness away.  Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey pilots, you should have a closer look at the training glider- incredible but true, it is the glider my flying story began with 14 years ago! It is in very good shape and makes a great training glider for my flatmate Nina who did really well on her first footlaunches and -landings. Soon we will conquer the skies together. Good training, Kevin. Corinna Schwiegershausen