Sunday, June 12, 2005

Training Hill

So I forgot the best story from the training hill.  When the wind picked up I decided to take my turn from the absolute top of the hill.  That meant crossing one or two single wire fence lines.  If I crossed the electric fence where it was low I would need to cross a ribbon fence about 20 feet after that.  I opted for the 2 fence route since I had to leverage the glider over the electrified wire.  As I was crossing the ribbon fence Jamie teased me for “going the hard way” with two fences.  Being a smartass halfway through stepping over the ribbon fence I discovered that ribbon to be electrified as well.  Don’t ask me how I know… I KNOW!   I think electric fences have a tractor beam for me.  Seems that getting my ass lit up is becoming a regular part of hang gliding for me.



1 comment:

The Harrison's said...

Now that's a picture that would have been worth a thousand laughs...