Thursday, November 03, 2005

Travelling to Canoa

Wow, what a journey we had today! Apparently the shortest way to Canoa is not the fastest when there is traffic. The direct route includes a ferry with a long long wait. Raul opted to drive the long way around and as a bonus we got to travel some of the most varied (read, rugged) highways Ecuador has to offer. Brought new meaning to the road less traveled, except they were traveled by lots of other brave souls! It was my job as the scout/wingman to spot the speed bumps (this is a highway!) and potholes.

We were all anxious to get in a test fly so the pressure was on to travel fast. Luckily we made it to Canoa with plenty of time to spare and lots of soarable wind to use. After cruising the ridge in front of launch Mike gave me the signal to climb high and follow him. I did as I was told and followed him on what seemed to me to be a death glide (not really death, just no way of staying up because we were trying to go too far). We hit our target ridge REALLY low but managed to scratch back up over the last patch of landable beach left on the ridge. From there he took me out to the point over beautiful cliffs and hidden coves. The sight was truely breathtaking. If Mike hadn't dragged me out there with him, I would have never attempted such a long low glide across that wide river delta. It made my day to say the least.



Ray's blogger said...

Hope you realize just how much of a luck dawg you are!!! Great site.
Send me a note @
My other addie is closed now.
Need more great info on those OLC sites.
Gentle breezes in your face!
Ray Helman

Tom Lanning said...

Nice pics! Sounds like a great adventure. Say hello to Mike and Raul.